Tuesday 2 June 2020

Oldest Land Animal Found

British Geological Survey/Reuters.Fair use doctrine.

Joel Kontinen

This millipede like creature lived in Scotland about 425 million years ago. Researchers have called it Kampecaris obanensis it lived in the island of Kerrera in the Scottish Inner Hebrides. They suspect that it ate decomposing plants.

“Fossils of the oldest-known plant with a stem, called Cooksonia, were found in the same ancient lake region as Kampecaris.”

“Kampecaris, about 2.5 centimetres long with a segmented body, resembled modern millipedes but was a member of an extinct group and is not ancestral to millipedes alive today. Its legs were not preserved in the fossil.

It was an arthropod, a broad group that includes insects, spiders, millipedes, centipedes and crustaceans like crabs and shrimp.


Thomson. 2020. Scientists find oldest fossil of a land animal. CBC News 1 June.