Sunday 11 August 2019

The Earth Is A Great Place To Stay, Compared To Venus

Imagine courtesy of NASA, Public Domain.

Joel Kontinen

Contrasted with the planets in our solar system, the Earth is a great place to stay.

While we might plan to go to Mars, Venus is Earth’s sister planet. only that its temperature is 370 degrees (700 degrees Fahrenheit), with clouds entire made up “by carbon dioxide and chokingly thick with an atmospheric pressure at the surface 90 carbon dioxide and chokingly thick with an atmospheric pressure at the surface 90 times that of Earth.

As an article in Space, com tells us, the times that of the Sun was normal in the beginning , but “as the sun aged, that habitable zone steadily moved outward. And as Venus approached the inner edge of that zone, things started to go haywire."

This would also happened to Earth, with the snowball Earth still an unsolved mystery.

" As the temperatures rose on Venus, the oceans began to evaporate, dumping a lot of water vapor into the atmosphere. This water vapor was very good at trapping heat, which further increased the surface temperatures, which caused the oceans to evaporate even more, which caused even more water vapor to get in the atmosphere, which trapped even more heat, and so on and so on as things spiralled out of control.”

This is what the article also claim will happen to Earth – 100 million years from today. However, the faint young sun paradox mentioned above would have resulted in a snowball Earth, killing all life.


Sutter, Paul. How Venus Turned into Hell, and How the Earth Is Next (8.8.).