Wednesday 21 August 2019

Short-term Comet Crashes into the Sun

Image courtesy of NASA/ESO/SOHO).

Joel Kontinen

Comets can be roughly divided into two categories: long-term comets, which orbit the sun in more than 200 years, and short-term comets, with an orbital period of 200 years or less. Some of them are so spectacular that they were though to augur doom. For instance,in 1066 Halley’s Comet preceded the Battle of Hastings, in which William the Conqueror defeated England’s Saxon king Harold.

It has been estimated that a comet will loose all its mass in under 100 000 years.This is a serious problem for the secular view of a 4.6 billion year old solar system. If the solar system were that old, we should not see any comets.

Now, it seems that a short-term comet, opposing the billions of years our solar system is assumedly based on.


Gohd, Chelsea , 2019. A Doomed Comet Just Fell Into the Sun. Here's the Video. Space. com. 16.8.